What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus?

1. Believe the Truth about Jesus.

  • Jesus is not merely a great teacher, a good example, or religious leader.
  • Jesus is the Son of God. He has always been (he wasn’t created), and he has always been God.
  • Jesus is the Savior of sinners. He lived the perfect life that we haven’t lived, he died the death that we deserve to die, and he rose from the dead, to save us from our sins.

2. Believe the Truth about Yourself.

  • We are full of sin. Every part of every person is corrupted by sin. As a result, there’s no good thing that we can do to earn God’s love.
  • We deserve God’s wrath. Because we’ve broken God’s good law, we must be punished. Because the God we have sinned against is infinite, we deserve an infinite punishment — torment in hell forever.
  • We have nothing good to offer. We cannot do enough good to make up for our sin — we’re too broken and sinful. The Bible even says that “all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment” (Isaiah 64:6).
  • Jesus invites us to come. Even though we have nothing to offer, Jesus saves us by his mercy. When Jesus died on the cross, he took our punishment for us. When Jesus rose from the dead, he gave his good deeds to our account.

3. Come to Jesus

  • Being a Christian is not about knowing the right truths — it’s about being known by God.
  • Being a Christian is not about fixing ourselves or turning over a new leaf — it’s about being forgiven by Jesus. We come to Jesus with empty-hands. We don’t have anything to contribute, and he saves us by grace.

4. Take Your First Steps

Here are some first steps you must take as a follower of Jesus:

  • Trust in Christ alone. Christianity doesn’t start with fixing yourself, it starts by realizing that our good deeds will never be good enough.
  • Repent of your sins. Turn away from your sins and towards God. Start submitting to God as your king, rather than yourself or anyone else.
  • Join a Christ-following church near you. Find a church near you that preaches the Bible and will help you follow Jesus. Good books and videos are great, but they will never replace the church. You can gather with us each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. And you can learn more about joining Pillar Church at our next membership class.
  • Get baptized. Jesus gave water baptism as a special sign to mark our conversion and the salvation that he purchased for us. This happens in a local church.
  • Make disciples. Jesus calls all of his disciples to be “fishers of men;” to share our story with others, to tell our friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors about how they can be saved from sin. You can start making disciples today.

Not Convinced? Let's Talk About That.

If you’re interested in Jesus, but not sure if you can trust him as your Savior, we would love to help you continue to think through this important decision.